Warning symbol

If you think a child in
Brent has been harmed
or may be harmed call:

Telephone symbolTel: 020 8937 4300

Warning symbol

If you think an adult at
risk is suffering abuse
or neglect in Brent call:

Telephone symbolTel: 020 8937 4098 / 4099

Search page

If you think a child in Brent has been harmed or may be harmed call: Tel: 020 8937 4300

If you think an adult at risk is suffering abuse or neglect call: Tel: 020 8937 4098 / 409

London Safeguarding Children Procedures

The Brent Safeguarding Children Partnership has signed up to the London Safeguarding Children Procedures.

The London Safeguarding Children Procedures set out how agencies and individuals should work together to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and young people. The target audience is professionals (including unqualified staff and volunteers) and front-line managers who have particular responsibilities for safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, and operational and senior managers, in:

Agencies responsible for commissioning or providing services to children and their families and to adults who are parents.

Agencies with a particular responsibility for safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children.

Click here to access the London Safeguarding Children Procedures