Warning symbol

If you think a child in
Brent has been harmed
or may be harmed call:

Telephone symbolTel: 020 8937 4300

Warning symbol

If you think an adult at
risk is suffering abuse
or neglect in Brent call:

Telephone symbolTel: 020 8937 4098 / 4099

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If you think a child in Brent has been harmed or may be harmed call: Tel: 020 8937 4300

If you think an adult at risk is suffering abuse or neglect call: Tel: 020 8937 4098 / 409

London Multiagency Adult Safeguarding Policy and Procedures

There is an emphasis on working with adults at risk of abuse and neglect to have greater control in their lives to both prevent it from happening, and to give meaningful options of dealing with it should it occur. For staff the Care Act provides clearer guidance, and supports pathways to working in an integrated way, breaking down barriers between organisations. This approach has been championed by all the organisations who have worked together to produce the Pan-London policy and procedures.

Click here to download the London multi-agency adult safeguarding policy and procedures